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Gustav Milne explains what climate change means for the Thames
From prehistory to the London blitz: foreshore archaeology and a rising river (10 Feb 2011)
Gustav Milne takes an eco-archaeological approach to London's topography after the Blitz.
Turning the Tide? Three Years of Community Archaeology on the English Coast
Medieval London and the development of Timber Box Frame Buildings
Digital Outreach and the Thames Discovery Programme: What Next? [Updated version]
Water of Life? Creation, Culture and the River Thames (JustWater)
Gustav Milne | Why bread isn't bad for you, but TOO MUCH is
MiddayLive - Ghana's rain pattern expected to fall due climate change - 28/5/2015
The DUA’s Trig Lane excavations 1974-6: the medieval waterfront project takes off
DId our ancestors nearly go extinct? | New Scientist Weekly Podcast 213
Climate change spl 1 up 30 May 2015